’s Running Legal Like a Business conference in Las Vegas, NV at the Fontainebleau Resort & Casino is scheduled 3-6 September, 2024.  They are featuring an IP Track that LEDES IP subcommittee head Adam Jaffe is helping to organize.  If you are at the conference, also look for the LEDES Oversight Committee booth on the vendor floor!

To learn more about the conference, click here.  

The LEDES Oversight Committee is pleased to announce endorsement of the Yerra Solutions Knowledge Management Expert Group UTBMS Code Set for the knowledge management discipline.

The KM Code Set represents an exciting new direction for UTBMS. While KM services may be provided by external law firms or more possibly by external consultants, it is more likely that KM services are provided for a law department or law firm by internal resources. By tracking time spent on KM activities, the codes will facilitate benchmarking of KM activities against other organizations.

If you are interested in the Knowledge Management discipline and would like to join the global expert group, on LinkedIn look for Yerra Solutions Knowledge Management Code Set Discussion Group.

The LOC congratulates the participants of the Yerra Solutions Global Knowledge Management Expert Group for their fine work and future vision.